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Videos That Show The Way

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"The courage of life is often a less dramatic spectacle than the courage of a final moment; But it is no less a magnificient mixture of triumph and tragedy. A man does what he must - in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures - and that is the basis of all morality".

More examples of many solutions to fix our problems.....

.....These are just some solutions world-wide that we can adapt here in Australia.....

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Vote 1


Barwon Electorate NSW

To The People Of The Barwon Electorate

We have got to want change before change will happen...

Putting faith decade after decade in mainstream major and minor parties will bring about the same result.

We are...you are better than that...

Use your vote wisely and start to put your faith in future leaders who come from amongst you.
Stuart Howe