Don't pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.
"If this nation is to be wise as well as strong, if we are to achieve our destiny, then we need more new ideas for more wise men reading more good books in public libraries. These libraries should be open to all - except the censor. We must know all the facts and hear all the alternatives and listen to all criticisms. Let us welcome controversial books and controversial authors".
Why should I give my first preference vote to Stuart Howe as a Independent instead of a minor/major party?
Because a member candidate of a party, regardless of it's size, will do what the party wants the elected candidate to do on any matter. Even if an elected member of a party disagrees personally, with the stance of the party, in general, on various future matters, the party elected member will put the party first, before it's own electorate, when it comes time to vote.
Ask yourself these questions:
In the past decade or longer has voting in/electing a candidate of a minor/major party served the electorate of Barwon well?
Has your current local member always voted in accordence with the party no matter what?
If anyone in the Barwon electorate has a unique problem that requires the attention of your current "Party" member, but this problem involves a donor corporation, a Bank etc, of the very same minor/major party...will that current party member go against party wishes to intervene on behalf of residents in the electorate of Barwon?
If a party member/other Independent has a vested interest that has been secured through the party itself, for example, "Water Trading" and restricting water allocation to small irrigators in favour of large corporates, and there becomes a problem of water theft, will that elected member work for the electorate of Barwon...or do what the party tells the elected member to do, behind closed doors?
Being a 'true Independent' with no affiliation to any party-minor or major, I, Stuart Howe will always put the interest of my electorate first before anything or anyone else. You as the voter of Barwon cannot be guaranteed that if you decide to vote for any minor or major party candidate at the next State election.
What can you do as an Independent that a minor or major party candidate can't do?
Put themselves financially and physically on the line to create and borrow the private billions of dollars that will be needed to get our country back on track.
No party individual candidate will sign on the bottom line for the private borrowings needed, no candidate will ever put their own assets or the party's assests on the line for the people of "Barwon" or the people of Australia for that matter.....but I will.
No elected party member will ever allow a "majority vote" of the people (online) to decide how the elected member will vote in parliament.
Some current members of parliament, go so far as to ask the question on their website as wanting feed back on what to any upcoming legisalation...but none, I mean no one, to my knowledge, will have a vote in real time on their website showing a "real time" tally of the "YES"or "NO" of the people.....but I will.
As long as we end up with a majority of the "Barwon" constituents taking part and vote and we then as a whole, end up with 51% majority result of all those that vote in "Barwon Electorate", I will vote accordingly in Parliament.
No party elected member can move across the parliamentary floor as easily as a true Independent can. An Independent like myself is not there to get in the way of "Good Policy" no matter which minor or major party puts up this legislation. I, as a true Independent, can work with any party, any member of parliament to tweek and get right any new ligislation or amend the "old".
To often the minor and major parties don't wish to admit that their oppostion has come up with a "Good Idea", they simply find fault and oppose everything the otherside says or does, just to make political points of difference because they themsleves have no idea or substance, party politicians large and small just seem to argue for the sake of arguing.
Ask yourself this question....How did you feel when at the height of this Covid pandemic, we saw all parties come together and work quickly on solutions together for the betterment of Australia and finally did not think of themselves for a change.....How did you as a voting constituent of "Barwon" feel when your politicains all worked together?
My Guarantee - Stuart Howe, if elected will embrace any "Good" legislation from any party or elected member and do my best to block any "Bad" legislation....but ultimately how I vote in the future is dependent on the voting constituents of the "Barwon Electorate" engaging in their own democracy, the voting tools will be there to use (if I can do so) to communicate with me, your representative, on how you the people wish me to vote (in "real time").....can you say that of any "Party Candidate" that you maybe considering giving your first preference vote will give this guarantee in return for your precious vote?....Why not write to them and ask them personally, before you vote in this upcoming State election.
Untitled Document
Vote 1
Barwon Electorate NSW
To The People Of The Barwon Electorate
We have got to want change before change will happen...
Putting faith decade after decade in mainstream major and minor parties will bring about the same result.
We are better than that...
Use your vote wisely and start to put your faith in future leaders who come from amongst you.