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Your True

I work for you....not a political party....
To make real change, it takes YOU the people to want it bad enough.

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Save The Barka/Darling
& Murray Rivers

Local decision making needs to shift back to people who live on the river.
Restore Menindee Lakes - protect the Upper and Lower Darling.

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What Are We Doing
About Carp?

Carp must be cleaned up otherwise our native fish population's will be decimated, there will be
irreversible extensive environmental damage to our rivers and current government is not listening.

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Water diverted from floodplains is a huge loss to rivers.
Causing major effects on water flow connectivity, fish survival and river communities.

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Raise Dam Wall Heights

Damage to the environment and communities with flooding is enormous,
We need control measures to look after the environment and the people that live downstream.

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No Coal Seam Gas

A short term industry like coal seam gas,
puts at risk long term damage to the production of grain and fibre etc.

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Government Overreach

Electronic/trackable ear tags amount to yet another "tax to pay" for the primary producer under the guise of "Bio-Security",
amounting to the march towards the final death rattle of a once proud robust livestock industry, especially for smaller primary producers.

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Beer Tax,

Hands off by governments to any further increases to taxation on our beer.
When are all levels of government going to understand the people are not their personal go-to ATM.

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Rural and Remote NSW

Rural and remote areas of Barwon have no, or poor, mobile phone voice and data reception.
Improved coverage should be a given considering Barwon has been a major party incumbent area for decades now.

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Fix Our Roads

Many of our roads in Barwon have significant damage.
Over years the roads in Barwon have deteriorated, we need them fixed.

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We Need More Doctors
Not More Locums

Too many times we are replacing our country doctors with locums that blow in and blow out.
We need consistency and relationships with our doctors.

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More Support
Emergency Services

Boost support for our firefighters and emergency services members throughout Barwon electorate.
After years of neglect this has to be turned around and soon.

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Address The
Teacher Shortage

Teacher shortages in our regional area's has become a public crisis, consequently the shortage is
bound to hurt student learning in the long run, and it must be urgently addressed.

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Better Health Services
For Rural Australia

Death by a thousand cuts, economics and demographics work against health services
that provides care in remote and often impoverished rural areas.

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Housing Is A Right

Increase affordability, preserve existing stock of rental housing,
therefore reducing risk of homelessness, particularly older adults and persons with disabilities.

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We Are All
In This Together

It used to be this way. Governments have made us fearful and reactive.
Society encourages us to behave in selfish ways. Logical outcome; people focus on own self-interest.

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Freedom Is A Right

Freedom lies in being bold, liberating oneself from all the bondages that pull us down.
The right to freedom guarantees citizens the freedom to live with dignity.

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Support Those Whom
Support Freedom

Supporting groups advocating for freedom is universal and democratic.
This is the best way to ensure freedom of speech, and shield us from authoritarianism.

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My Thoughts
On Other Parties

Most "lean" toward a party; "True" Independents tend to avoid politics...
Independents often are portrayed as political free agents with the potential to alleviate the nation's rigid partisan divisions.

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Our electorate of Barwon needs to be brought back to life.
We need to fix many problems that have occurred over decades.

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Campaign Video

The Cost Of Living effects everyone.
Current politicians/governments are doing very little to help.

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Barwon Campaign Video 2023

When most candidates and/or politicians make their campaigns all about "selfies" with the organised few in many places around the Barwon electorate, I want my campaign to be about others, to be about the actual community that I intend to serve.

In doing so, highlight to anyone that cares to notice, the extreme difficulties Aussie families are currently experiencing due to the cost of living crisis that our current politicians and governments had everything to do with for decades.

This will only change if you my electors are as tired as I am of hearing utter rubbish and excuses as to why we cannot fix this human crisis that is unfolding.

How about less "selfies"...less "look at me" from candidates and politicians and do your job.

See my new direction below...

Your True Independent Candidate

Barwon Electorate 2023

Two kinds of people in the world:

Givers and Takers, the takers may eat better, but givers sleep better...

Our country needs to be led in a new direction. For too many years the people and their needs have been ignored by major and minor parties, especially in our regional areas.

Infrastructure has been left to decay, services have been reduced dramatically, education and communication services are not up to standard, these, just to name a few.

I want to see YOU the people of Barwon, TELL ME what is on your mind, what you want/need fixed in your communities. I just need the majority to speak up and voice your opinions.

I am here to serve YOU...the majority...the people of the Barwon electorate, this you can be assured.

More About Stuart

See priority issues below...

It takes nothing to join the crowd

It takes EVERYTHING to stand alone

Hans F. Hansen

Some Other Priority Issues

There are many issues in Barwon that need to be attended to...

To view more issues...please visit my policy pages....

Freedom Is A Right

Pro-freedom (or anti-mandate) rallies are not rooted in far right extremist ideology. I respectfully pushed back on the ill-informed and grossly over-simplified belief that the freedom rallies were overwhelmingly fascist in nature and were supported primarily by far right extremists.

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Stop Privatisation

We are told privatisation will create more choice, savings, lower costs for consumers; in practice the opposite has happened.

"The sale of ports and electricity infrastructure and the opening of vocational education to private companies had caused him and the public to lose faith in privatisation and deregulation."

ACCC chairman Mr Rod Sims

Australians must turn back the privatisation onslaught to create the democratic and sustainable economy we desperately need.

Economy's that now don't produce enough profits, through decades of degradation of our public assets, the wealthy class has spent decades plundering the public sector that our nation once prospered from that was built up over the last century, only to create an outcome of expensive and worse services, and substandard jobs within them.

Both sides of major party governments have systematically attacked our government services and as a result have impacted dramatically the millions of Australians who rely on them for help and support.

This has to STOP!

Raise Dam Wall Heights

Thousands of people were forced to evacuate Forbes and other towns in the state's latest floods, the Lachlan River reached levels not seen since 1952, thousands of megalitres poured from the Wyangala Dam.

With the dam wall raised this would mean around 650,000 megalitres or about 53% more storage. Flood mitigation is about slowing the rate of having to release huge amounts of water at any one time, anyone with any amount of common sense should realise that it is always about giving flood waters time to move on before adding to already soaked catchments.

More capacity, whatever that maybe, will allow further time between major releases, it is the sudden impact of too many major releases that cause the most destructive damage similar to a flash flood situation...too much water in a small amout of time will destroy anything in its path.

It blows my mind to listen to those current politicians that suggest that 650,000 extra litres in capacity in Wyangala specifically won't make a difference when it will give us time at least. I am not surprised, however, we are always governed at all levels by people with absolutely no life experience, that come from cities that have never experienced firsthand major floods, most of which come from years of "kicking the can down the road".

These then so called enlightened sitting politicians then come out to suggest that monies are better spent on upgrading road and rail systems in and around flood prone communities so that when devastating property destroying floods do occur we can evacuate the people of those towns...to where I ask...have we gone mad, how is it even reasonable to say...

"Oh well, can't do anything to protect your homes, your assets but hey...at least you won't drown because we have built your escape route."

What happens after that...I ask...like the township of Lismore NSW...your on your own...and if you are lucky we will buy out you out of your home for a minimal price to have you move somewhere else, that's if you can afford to live anywhere else.

We can do better...if elected...I can do better.

More Policies

See what is important below...

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Is your community facing an issue that you would like to bring to my attention?

Why Vote For Stuart Howe?

  • True Independent Representative
  • Importance of Integrity, Honesty
  • Vote in accordance with The People
  • No affiliation with minor/major party
  • No loyalty to major donors
  • Won't get in the way of good policy

  • Work with any party/best outcome
  • Won't argue for sake of political points
  • Vote down Bad Legislation
  • Work to best outcome for majority
  • Protect My Country/My People
  • Seek wisdom with every mistake

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Barwon Electorate NSW

To The People Of The Barwon Electorate

We have got to want change before change will happen...

Putting faith decade after decade in mainstream major and minor parties will bring about the same result.

We are...you are better than that...

Use your vote wisely and start to put your faith in future leaders who come from amongst you.
Stuart Howe